All categories/Antique measuring instruments/Code 579A-1 Induction spool
All categories/Antique measuring instruments/Code 579A-1 Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
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Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Induction spool
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Antique measuring instruments/579A-1-Gift box

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1590410762Code 579A-1 Induction spoolInduction spool also called Ruhmkorff spool conceived around the middle of the XIX century, an instrument used to produce high voltage electric discharges starting from a low voltage direct current. Mounted on a walnut board. The induction spools were used to operate the first cathode tubes during X-ray research. They were also used for fun to entertain the public with the Geissler glass tube whose operation is based on the ionization process of the gas caused by the acceleration of electrons by means of the electric field creating luminous and fluorescent effects. Very good condition. Measures cm 23x14 h 13.5 - inches 9x5.5 h 5.3.

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Antique measuring instruments

Code 579A-1 Induction spool

2e-Shop1Antique-measuring-instrumentsCode 579A-1 Induction spool
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Antik Arte & Scienza sas di Daniela Giorgi - via S. Giovanni sul Muro 10 20121 Milan (MI) Italy - +39 0286461448 - info@antik.it - www.antik.it - Monday-Saturday: 10am-7pm